
The Bounce Back From Burnout Workshop

In this 1-hour workshop, I share strategies that are deeply rooted in real-life applications, focusing on maintaining productivity and success at work while nurturing time for yourself and your family.

It's not about quick fixes, but about eliminating burnout for good, sustainable success, and fostering a life you love – one where work success and personal joy coexist.

Will you join me?

What Past Clients Have To Say

“In our first three hours of coaching alone, Marissa has already saved me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by focusing my effort. She's a true secret weapon, helping me evaluate and prioritize opportunities, connect with my unique methods of contribution, and separate the signal from the noise.”

Arthur De Roey, API Platform Manager, November First

Marissa is the epitome of what it means to be ridiculously efficient. Since Day 1, I was impressed with Marissa's innate ability to tell meaningful stories, help people see a bigger future for themselves, and create actionable strategies to help people get there. I now save at least an hour every week just by adopting one scheduling technique.”

Sydney Fulkerson, Investor & Founder, Sunflower

“It is not every day that we cross paths with someone whose vision is so sharp and well-formulated that it can change the way we see things. Whenever I encounter a professional situation that has me feeling stuck or unsteady, Marissa is a source I can turn to for clarity and guidance. I don't know where I would be without her.”

Melody Alderman, Senior Site Manager, Windows Commercial (Microsoft

Marissa exemplifies ridiculously efficient leadership, unmatched communication prowess, and a relentless focus on living a balanced lifestyle. She is an excellent teacher, coach and mentor who helped me dramatically improve my writing, management, client relation, and creative process skills and systems. I'm extremely grateful.”

Maxwell Goldberg, Chief of Staff at Onfloor Technologies and Americas Digital, Venture Scout

Marissa is a force multiplier. She has coached and taught me so many skills throughout the past 10 years to increase my productivity, expand my perspective, and sharpen my strengths and priorities as a founder and a mom. She has turbocharged TFF and our entrepreneurs, and is an ally for anyone wanting to make a dent in the universe.”

Christine Gould, Founder & CEO, Thought for Food

“I've worked with Marissa for over a decade. The quality of my life, my work, my businesses, creative endeavors, and my relationships with those I care about most have improved significantly as a direct result of her advice. If you have a chance to work with and know this gem of a human, take it. Your life, career, and soul will be glad you did.”

Ryan Rhoades, Creative Director & Author of "The Science of Getting Rich: How to Manifest & Monetize Your Ideas

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What You’ll Learn In This Course:

  • Section 1
    Efficiency vs. Burnout

    ✔️ Learn to balance efficiency and productivity without burnout.

    Navigate work challenges with ease and resilience. Finally, you’ll know how to sustain peak performance while maintaining your mental and emotional health.

    ✔️ Understand the difference between overwhelmed and bored enabling you to find your optimal work state.

    This means you'll experience increased creativity and true satisfaction in your work.

  • Section 2
    The Hidden Costs of Overwork

    ✔️ Discover the physical, mental, and emotional impacts of overwork.

    Safeguard your well-being against the often-overlooked consequences of excessive work. Now you can enjoy a healthier, more balanced life.

    ✔️ Learn to manage your energy like a bank account

    Allowing you to make strategic decisions for energy investment and recovery. This means you’ll maintain high productivity without draining your reserves.

  • Section 3
    Proactive Pivoting

    ✔️ Master proactive pivoting strategies during high-stress periods.

    So you can adapt quickly and efficiently to challenging work environments, and stay ahead without succumbing to stress or burnout.

    ✔️ Implement next-level techniques for productivity and prioritization.

    Protect your mental and emotional health while accomplishing essential tasks. You’ll learn how to achieve your goals without sacrificing your well-being.


I’ve Got a Few Bonuses For You When You Sign Up Today

  • BONUS 1: Master Your Mornings Workshop

    $297 Value

    Gain access to the 'Master Your Mornings Workshop' video training, where you'll learn to use my specialty multistep prompt template to rethink and revamp your morning routine.

    This session goes beyond just kick-starting your day; it's designed to set you up for success without the risk of burnout.

    By diving into first-principles thinking and challenging your assumptions, you'll not only elevate your energy, creativity, and wellness but also create a foundation for sustained productivity that guards against burnouteven if you thought your morning routine was already perfect!

  • BONUS 2: Workflow Audit Masterclass

    $347 Value

    Access the 'Workflow Audit Masterclass' video training. Use our step-by-step guide to identify and eliminate the bottlenecks in your workflow.

    This proactive approach is key to maintaining high productivity while avoiding the pitfalls of overwork and burnout.

    This means you'll complete tasks done faster, more efficiently and have more time and energy to enjoy what you love with the people you love.

  • BONUS 3: Balance Boosters: Rapid-Recall Tips for Sustained Productivity & Harmony

    $247 Value

    Get your hands on a comprehensive list of practical tips and strategies with the 'Balance Boosters' tip guide.

    This is your go-to resource for quick, actionable advice to maintain a balance between professional success and personal well-being.

    It's specifically designed to help you prevent burnout by reminding you how to manage your workload effectively and prioritize your personal life, ensuring you don't fall back into old, counterproductive habits.

Just to Recap,
Here's Everything You’ll Get With This Program:

  • Bounce Back from Burnout Workshop Access To This Transformative 3 Section Video Training Series ($449 Value)

  • Proven Course Workbook With Real-Life Application Reflections & Exercises To Eliminate and Prevent Burnout ($349 Value)

  • BONUS 1: Master Your Mornings Workshop ($297 Value)

  • BONUS 2: Workflow Audit Masterclass ($347 Value)

  • BONUS 3: Balance Boosters: Rapid-Recall Tips for Sustained Productivity & Harmony ($247 Value)

Total Value: $1,689 

Your Investment Today:

Rest. Renew. Outperform.

Are you tired of the relentless pursuit of productivity at the expense of your well-being? 

Welcome to a new way of working – where rest isn't just a pause but the fuel for enhanced performance.

Escape the burnout trap that plagues today's high-achievers.

And discover a transformative approach to productivity - One where your well-being goes hand-in-hand with your achievements.

My method is effective. Why?

Because it is grounded in the belief that rest fuels resilience and boosts output.

I’ll coach you on how to prevent burnout, so you can sustain your productivityexcel in your work, and still return home at the end of your work day with energy to spare for your family.

While typical productivity strategies push you towards more output at the cost of personal well-being, my approach is different

I believe that true efficiency means maintaining high performance without compromising your health and happiness. 

This isn't about working harder; it's about working smarter, with well-being as the cornerstone.

Since 2007, I've been challenging the norms of burnout culture. 

My approach is holistic, taking into account every aspect of your life - emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. 

It's not theoretical; it's a practical, tried-and-tested method that has helped many professionals like you to thrive in their careers while enjoying a rich, fulfilling personal life.

Join me in redefining what it means to be productive. 

Imagine a life where you're not just surviving, but thriving.

Imagine waking up each day with a clear sense of purpose and the energy to fulfill it.

After this workshop, envision yourself:

  • Using cutting-edge, personalized strategies to increase and sustain your high performance without sacrificing your well-being.

  • Having the mental clarity and focus to tackle your tasks efficiently, leaving ample time and energy for family and personal interests.

  • No longer feeling the guilt of unbalanced work-life priorities, enjoying quality moments with loved ones.

  • Cultivating a fulfilling personal life that you love and enjoy, alongside a successful career.

This is Your Unique Opportunity to Start the Year Differently.

I'm passionate about helping you avoid the overwhelm that often comes with the start of a new year.

I don't want you to fall back into the same cycle of overdrive once the holiday rest fades.

By registering for this workshop, you have the rare opportunity to invest in a course that's not just about preventing burnout but about sustaining your productivity and success while cultivating a life you love.

It's not just a workshop; it's a new beginning.

This is your chance to make 2024 the year you finally achieve balance and joy in both your personal and professional life.

Meet Marissa Brassfield

The clatter of keyboards, an overloaded inbox of emails, and the pressures of evolving professional landscapes…

Look, I've been there. While the rest of the world was trying to catch up with AI, I focused on using it to solve real-life problems – Like shrinking my 6-day workweek to 3.5 days without sacrificing my income.

And rebalancing my workload so my husband and I can walk my son to and from school each day.
For years, I’ve helped talented people struggling to balance work and personal life, guiding them not only to be more productive but also to ensure they don’t spiral into the depths of overwhelm and burnout. They had so much potential. But they caught themselves in a relentless cycle of being "busy" but never truly productive.

It resonated with me. I, too, had been on that exhausting treadmill.

This is why I’m so passionate about helping high achievers manage their energy and workload to prevent burnout, and sustain their increased productivity.

In the last 15 years, I've worked with global leaders, top-tier executives, and visionary entrepreneurs. I’ve spent 8.5 years working with Peter Diamandis to co-create Abundance 360. Together, we helped successful founders, CEOs, and investors leverage the potential of emerging technologies and pinpoint how they could serve everyday people in our daily lives.

The pandemic brought unique challenges. During this time, I led training for U.S. government agencies, assisting many in adjusting to the new normal of remote work and managing new stress and anxiety amidst the uncertainty.

The success stories and transformations from these sessions were more than just feedback – they were proof that balancing productivity with personal well-being is not only possible, but essential.

At the heart of all my teachings lies a simple philosophy: Ridiculously Efficient. Efficiency not just in work, but in living. A life where every moment is optimized, yet authentic.

Where the most critical tasks are accomplished, yet still have time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Where technology is your ally, not your adversary. And where you don’t just exist or survive – but truly thrive without the shadow of burnout looming over you..

Join me in this journey. Let’s discover a work-life integration that not only enhances your efficiency but also brings joy, purpose, and balance to every day of your life.

Together, we'll navigate the path to a productive, fulfilling life, free from the fear of burnout. Let's make it easy for you.

Are You Ready?

Let's to Explore the Path to Renewed Energy and Sustained Success...
... Together

What Past Clients Say About Marissa

“In our first three hours of coaching alone, Marissa has already saved me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by focusing my effort. She's a true secret weapon, helping me evaluate and prioritize opportunities, connect with my unique methods of contribution, and separate the signal from the noise.”

Arthur De Roey, API Platform Manager, November First

Marissa is the epitome of what it means to be ridiculously efficient. Since Day 1, I was impressed with Marissa's innate ability to tell meaningful stories, help people see a bigger future for themselves, and create actionable strategies to help people get there. I now save at least an hour every week just by adopting one scheduling technique.”

Sydney Fulkerson, Investor & Founder, Sunflower

“It is not every day that we cross paths with someone whose vision is so sharp and well-formulated that it can change the way we see things. Whenever I encounter a professional situation that has me feeling stuck or unsteady, Marissa is a source I can turn to for clarity and guidance. I don't know where I would be without her.”

Melody Alderman, Senior Site Manager, Windows Commercial (Microsoft

Marissa exemplifies ridiculously efficient leadership, unmatched communication prowess, and a relentless focus on living a balanced lifestyle. She is an excellent teacher, coach and mentor who helped me dramatically improve my writing, management, client relation, and creative process skills and systems. I'm extremely grateful.”

Maxwell Goldberg, Chief of Staff at Onfloor Technologies and Americas Digital, Venture Scout

Marissa is a force multiplier. She has coached and taught me so many skills throughout the past 10 years to increase my productivity, expand my perspective, and sharpen my strengths and priorities as a founder and a mom. She has turbocharged TFF and our entrepreneurs, and is an ally for anyone wanting to make a dent in the universe.”

Christine Gould, Founder & CEO, Thought for Food

“I've worked with Marissa for over a decade. The quality of my life, my work, my businesses, creative endeavors, and my relationships with those I care about most have improved significantly as a direct result of her advice. If you have a chance to work with and know this gem of a human, take it. Your life, career, and soul will be glad you did.”

Ryan Rhoades, Creative Director & Author of "The Science of Getting Rich: How to Manifest & Monetize Your Ideas